Skills Maintenance requals

To remain eligible to patrol and compete, members must requalify their awards yearly at a Skills Maintenance session, at the start of the season. All expire on 31 December, eg. requals done in late 2023 for 2023/24 season will expire end December 2024. SLSA gives a grace period of four years in which a lapsed award can be requalified. After this period, the award must be completed from scratch.

Online theory completion is required for SRC, Bronze Medallion, ART/AID, IRBC and IRBD candidates.

Please make sure that you complete your online theory component and book in online for the practical component at least 48 hours prior, via your Members Area account (eLearning tab). Anyone who has not booked in and/or completed online theory will not be accepted for the practical component.

Note, OGSLSC admin cannot manually enrol you in a session! If you’re having technical issues, scroll down here for tips. Contact if you’re still struggling.

2024 DATES

OGSLSC Skills Maintenance sessions:

At all Geelong District sessions, all awards including Bronze Medallion, SRC, IRBC and IRBD will be covered.

Bancoora Sunday 10th November

CPR course 8am – 9.30am
Skills Maintenance 10am – 1pm

Barwon Heads 13th Beach Sunday 17th November 

CPR course 8am – 9.30am
Skills Maintenance 10am – 1pm

Ocean Grove Saturday 23rd November 

CPR course 8am-9.30am
Skills Maintenance 10am – 1pm

Pt Lonsdale Sunday 1st December

CPR course 8am – 9.30am
Skills Maintenance 10am – 1pm

Ocean Grove Sunday 29th December 

CPR course Time TBC
*Skills Maintenance 8am – 11am

*As at 18/12/24 sessions are full but we hope to add more availability. Stay tuned!

2024/25 changes

This season ALL Skills Maintenance (requal) will be logged electronically via ipads/phones (no more cards).

This means a few changes from previous:

  • Members will register on the Members Training portal (same as previous years) for a specific time slot with a COLOUR label
  • When registering, choose a colour group for which you hold all awards eg Blue group
  • If you hold only SRC or Bronze, choose a group that says ‘Skills available: SRC, Bronze Medallion’. This leaves the other groups for those who hold multiple awards
  • Please turn up at the correct time. Know your colour group. You’ll stay with that group for all assessment stations eg run swim run, signals, resuscitation

On requal day members are required to: 

  1. Have pre registered in the Member Training portal and completed all the required e-learning
  2. Check in at the appropriate time, quoting your colour group
  3. IRBC/IRBD/SSV awards: Have Marine License available on your phone/device to show us
  4. Stay with your group to get signed off for each station eg Run Swim Run, signals, rescue
  5. The same procedure applies whether you’re attending at your own club or another club

Be Ready for Requal


Detailed instructions

Access LSV-From-Anywhere via your SLSA Members Area account. Go to eLearning. It will then ask you to login to the LSV portal, using exactly the same logins as your SLSA Members Area account. If this is your first requal (eg you did your SRC or Bronze last year) you will be asked to supply personal details at this point. You’ll know you’re in the right spot when the URL/browser bar says ‘’.

Make sure you are logged in as the person holding the award, not a parent! Check the name at the top of the screen. This is often an issue for eg teens trying to login to book a requal. Sometimes a device retains the cookies for a previous login – in this case, logout via the red button at the left side, and login again.

Click on Skills Maintenance. You can start with either 01 Complete E-Learning, or 02 Book Practical.

These instructions assume you’ll start with 01 Complete E-Learning. Launch. You may need to disable pop up blockers (Google ‘disable pop up blocker’ for help). You will move through some info and watch videos about PPE, mental health awareness, radio operations, resuscitation etc then you’ll go through your theory test, 36 questions. You can Save & Exit, and come back to it later. Press this button before leaving the Skills Maintenance window, to ensure you don’t lose your place and have to start over again. You have to achieve 100% correct responses; but it will allow you to try again with any questions you got wrong. Note, sometimes a question has a couple of correct responses and you need to select both.

SLSA has now released the PSAR Bronze Medallion Manual as an online doc. 

Go to, login using your Members Area login details. Then go to Resource Library/handbooks and Guides/Member Training and find the manual link.

PSAR Manual 35th Edition Aug23

At the end, click on Save, then return to Skills Maintenance. Click on 02 Book Practical. Underneath, find eg Bronze Medallion (*then repeat this whole process, for any other awards you hold eg ART, IRBC). ‘Find a session’ (blue button on the right). Choose carefully as it’s hard to undo an enrolment! Enrol. Check/edit your personal details, then on the next page sign the declaration.

If you can’t see any Geelong area practicals available, check your ‘My Account’ section in Member Training, to check that your home club is set to Ocean Grove club. If you think you’re not linked, call or email LSV, 9676 6980 or you can’t see ANY options, it’s possible you have a browser problem – it’s worth trying another eg Chrome or Firefox.

You can do your theory component well in advance of your practical session if you like.

If you accidentally enrolled in another SM session/find you couldn’t attend it, the system won’t let you enrol for another session. In this case, pls email (allowing at least a couple of days for them to action it), and ask them to withdraw you from the other session. Give your name, club, session date and time. OGSLSC club admin cannot action this – only LSV can. You could then book another Practical.

Make sure you then go to My Results (button top right), scroll to Skills Maintenance Theory Certificates, ‘Download Certificate’. It helps if you print this (or have it on a device to show us) and bring it along on requal day.

Even if places are still available in a session, registrations will automatically close 48 hours prior to session start.

On requal day, complete your practical assessments and get each section signed off on the hard copy requal card. Before you leave, take a pic of your completed card on your phone as back up. Hand your completed card to your club. NOTE if you attend another local club’s requal day, take your card home at end of the day then give it to your OWN club’s administrator or trainer.


Have a look at our upcoming training, qualifications and skill development opportunities




9AM - 5PM

Please note, outside of these hours the phone may be answered by volunteers, who may not be able to assist with all enquiries.

Contact US


(03) 5255 1382



Street address: 26-30 Surf Beach Road, Ocean Grove VIC 3226

Postal address (for listing on Working with Children Card): PO Box 486 Ocean Grove VIC 3226