We provide a safe beach environment at Ocean Grove Main Beach


OGSLSC in conjunction with Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) and Life Saving Victoria (LSV) is committed to the health safety and wellbeing of all its members and is dedicated to providing a safe environment for those participating in surf lifesaving activities. This ensures that everyone involved in surf lifesaving is aware of his or her legal and ethical rights and responsibilities.

Surf Lifesavers are nurtured in an environment that values:

  • Safety and Support
  • Caring and Camaraderie
  • Trust and Teamwork
  • Respect and Responsibility

As part of the surf lifesaving community, each lifesaver makes a commitment to actively encourage behaviours that promote such a supportive and nurturing environment, and to adhere to the expectations as outlined in OGSLSC Codes of Conduct.

We encourage all volunteer members who have contact with children to undertake training in child safety. Click here to start the process:

Safeguarding Children – Surf Life Saving (

Safeguarding Children and Young People

In addition to this the Victorian Government announced the introduction of compulsory Child Safe Standards for Organisations that work with children in Victoria. The Standards arose from a key recommendation from the landmark Betrayal of Trust Inquiry and support cultural change across organisations in order to ensure that children are protected from abuse and exploitation by staff and volunteers. The scheme builds on existing policies and procedures already in place to improve capacity and consistency across sectors.

These standards were applied to clubs such as SLSCs, football clubs and other organisations working with children as of 1st January 2017. In accordance with this requirement LSV developed a number of Standards and policy documents which OGSLC have now adopted.

These include 7 Lifesaving Victoria standards, the LSV Commitment Statements as outlined below.

Seven Life Saving Victoria Standards

  1. Strategies to embed an organisational culture of child safety, including through effective leadership arrangements
  2. A child safe policy or statement of commitment to child safety
  3. A code of conduct that establishes clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children
  4. Screening, supervision, training and other human resources practices that reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing personnel
  5. Processes for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse
  6. Strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse
  7. Strategies to promote the participation and empowerment of children

Child Safe Policy September 2023

Member Protection Policy September 2021

Code of Conduct for People in positions of authority when dealing with children and young people 2018

If you wish to report a child safety issue, use this link: SLSA Reporting System

 Inclusive Organisation Policy

Also, in keeping with Surf Life Saving Australia, OGSLSC is committed to being an inclusive organization open to all who wish to participate regardless of age, gender, disability, cultural and linguistic background or sexual orientation.

We are dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all participating in surf lifesaving activities by actively promoting the principles of equal opportunity, social justice and cultural safety so that all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.

Member Wellbeing and Leadership Development Team         

As a way of putting the Safeguarding Children and Young People Standards into practice OGSLSC has developed a Member Wellbeing team which aims to assist us in ensuring that every person involved in surf lifesaving is treated with respect and dignity, in a safe and supportive environment.

 The team is headed by the Member Well Being and Leadership Development Officer and supported by the Protection Officer. It includes representatives from each area of the Club (one male and one female where possible) who are known as the member well-being representatives.

The aim of the well-being representatives is to have people who have a presence, are known and accessible to members (of all ages) so there is a point of first contact should a member have an issue or concern about how they have been treated within the club or experiences they may not be feeling comfortable with. This may be impacting their sense of safety and/or well- being within the club.  For children and young people this will be in the context of the areas outlined within Safe Guarding Children and Young people guidelines; however adult members also need an avenue of contact to express their concerns in relation to key values of safety, trust, respect or areas outlined within LSV and the clubs Codes of Behaviour.

The role of the MPOs is to take responsibility for initiating follow up that may be required to address member well-being issues raised directly or forwarded on from the Member Well-Being reps. This team is independent of but accountable to the OGSLC Board.


There are many and varied pathways through surf lifesaving that our members can take. OGSLSC is committed to promoting and supporting as many opportunities as possible for our young people (both within the club and beyond, in taking advantage of the many options that the club, LSV and SLSA provide).

Over the past few years OGSLSC young members have begun a Young Leaders group to explore ways of building relationships both within and across the age groups of members and to  develop the Youth representation and roles within the club. The Club has a dedicated Youth Leadership and Development Officer to help develop a club program that facilitates the leadership opportunities for our young people.

Our aims include:   To create a strong, vibrant, supportive and enthusiastic community for our Youth Members to enjoy and take part in;   Promote strong and supportive relationships within the club across all ages by facilitating a range of social and other activities;   Provide a variety of leadership development opportunities for our Youth / Young Members;  Enable Young Leaders within the club to be involved in committee and operations decisions;  Develop a mentoring framework that will continue to foster leadership in our Young Members in the years to come;   Enable Young Leaders to pursue their goals and aspirations both within, and outside of, the club.

Relevant leadership and training opportunities will be posted to this part fo our web site and circulated by Surfguard and team app.



9AM - 5PM

Please note, outside of these hours the phone may be answered by volunteers, who may not be able to assist with all enquiries.

Contact US


(03) 5255 1382



Street address: 26-30 Surf Beach Road, Ocean Grove VIC 3226

Postal address (for listing on Working with Children Card): PO Box 486 Ocean Grove VIC 3226