
Grow your child’s confidence, knowledge and surf skills in a fun and safe beach environment.



General memberships are for active, competing and patrolling members, including Nippers, Nipper parents, Seniors and Masters.

Nippers must be 7 years of age on or before 30 September in the year of application for their membership to be accepted. Children 

 under the age of 13 must join with at least one parent/guardian, under family membership.

 For Nippers programs, family membership is the key.

2024/25 Nipper training (Sunday Core, Surf Sport) finishes up in mid February.

Parents considering Nippers for 2025/26 are advised to get WWCC requirements in order for BOTH parents, well in advance. Evidence of current cards with OGSLSC linked to them, can be attached with your EOI email after we open on 1st August 2025.

Once WWCC evidence is all in order, OGSLSC will reply inviting application, payment etc. If we offer you spot(s) parents will be asked to complete our Nipper Registration form, indicating what role they can volunteer in, to assist the running of the Nipper program (all families must help out in some way). We sympathise that this is a convoluted process, but unfortunately the Australia-wide surf life saving membership system doesn’t allow clubs to fine tune intake or manage WWCC requirements.

Please ensure both parents have a current Working with Children's Card (WWCC), linked to OGSLSC, to enable your applications to be processed. See WWCC page for details.  

Please be aware, we do not guarantee follow up about outstanding elements. The onus is on families to complete all requirements if they wish to join our Nipper program.   We do understand it can be a tricky process to navigate, so you are welcome to email us with any queries.  We will reply as soon as possible.  

Nippers must be 7 years of age on or before 30 September in the year of application for their membership to be accepted. Children under the age of 13 must join with at least one parent/guardian, under family membership.

Nippers is a junior activity program that introduces children aged 7 to 13 to surf lifesaving.  The program is designed to develop essential surf skills, boost confidence and train nippers to become future surf life savers and patrolling members of OGSLSC.

Running across three different streams, OGSLC offers a Surf Sport program, Core Sunday Nippers program and Summer Intensive Surf Education program (more info via links below).

Members aged 7-13 are able to participate as Nippers. Families select the stream of Nippers by completing the Nipper Registration form.

The nipper program is run by the Junior Activities Committee and its volunteer team. We require parents to get involved in a volunteer role to help deliver the program. 

Communications and staying in touch

For day to day communication, the Nippers team uses Stack Team App. Full details/instructions are emailed to new parents along with membership confirmation.

OGSLSC takes child protection very seriously.

More information can be found here: Member Wellbeing

and here: Working with Children Check

Preliminary Swim Evaluation

Please note that it is a Life Saving Victoria (LSV) requirement that every Nipper completes a preliminary swim evaluation, before they can participate in Nipper training programs.   
Ocean Grove SLSC provides a few opportunities for assessment at the local Bellarine Aquatic Sports Centre (BASC) in September/October.  Details provided via Team App.  
Alternatively, you can arrange your own assessment via your swim school if you are unable to attend.  Preliminary Assessments must be signed by a qualified swim instructor.   If you arrange your own swim assessment, please ensure that the Preliminary Assessment Form is filled out and emailed to or handed to your Age Manager. 
Nippers will not be eligible to attend and participate in training sessions until a completed form has been provided.


A progressive program specifically designed for Nippers wishing to further hone their skills for competition.


Sunday mornings, Nov-Feb. Equips children with certification for competition, in a fun environment.


An intensive six-session program where children learn about surf awareness, safety and surf skills.


Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club receives donations from locals and visitors alike, to continue to maintain a safe beach environment for swimmers, surfers and beach goers.   With these vital donations we are able to offer our community services, water safety and education programs and provide facilities for our community and members.
Every donation you give saves countless lives.




9AM - 5PM

Please note, outside of these hours the phone may be answered by volunteers, who may not be able to assist with all enquiries.

Contact US


(03) 5255 1382



Street address: 26-30 Surf Beach Road, Ocean Grove VIC 3226

Postal address (for listing on Working with Children Card): PO Box 486 Ocean Grove VIC 3226